Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
Cards & Notes
All sorts of occasions, happy and sad, happen within a community. The team sends cards and notes of congratulations, encouragement, and sympathies.
LEMs and LEVs
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) serve communion at the alter. Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) take already blessed communion to parishioners unable to attend service.
New Baby Ministry
Team members delivering the best "awes" enjoy gifting new baby families with cradle crosses and knit baby blankets lovingly handmade by parishioners.
Prayer Chain
Most prayer requests are not published in the bulletin; thus, the prayer chain team remembers all those parishioners in need of supernatural uplifting and praise.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Parishioners tenderly knit prayer shawls that are delivered to those in need. This includes members and non-members. Special requests for colors and patterns are welcomed.
Respite & Sitter Care
We provide rest for the weary by enable caregivers to attend church or other matters. Team members happily sit with the home-bound parishioner.
Team members generously taxi parishioners unable to drive themselves to appointments, the store, church, and occasions.